It was a cool Saturday morning for our training run but
thankfully not as cold as it was last Saturday.
I was glad to see some of my team Half Nutz bundled
Deanna, Amanda (who just had a birthday) & our mascot Mia.
I got my new camera so I was excited to use it to take
pictures of my group. I have such a good group and
enjoy everytime we get together.
We headed out for our 4 mile 1/1 method which in actuality
according to my garmin we did 5 miles. Woo Hoo way to go
Half Nutz! We did it in an hour and a half which was awesome.
Here is my group keeping up a good pace and
still smiling. Pictured in the back row Kristin, Benita & ?
(I am sorry I forgot his name I promise I will get better
at remembering) joined in with our group.
Stephanie is doing a good job at keeping ahead of us.
We would let her know when my beeper went off by
yelling "beep beep".
Elizabeth & I kept together the whole way and
I learned of all the hardships she has had to
conquer in the past few years. I admire her
for overcoming everything she has had to
overcome and she is still so positive and
smiling. Elizabeth you rock!
When we finished up my heart did act up
a bit on me and it did put me down on
the couch most of the weekend but I
am hoping it was just a fluke and I can
make it through the half marathon
training with my group but even
if it comes to where I can't please
know I will still be there for you to help
all of you achieve your goals.
I did miss the ones that didn't get to come
and hopefully you will be there this coming
Saturday. I hear it is supposed to be really cold
so please bundle up before heading out the
door to run.

Monday nights we have a small group that meets
at 21st & Riverside @ 5:30 it was started by my husband
so we call it Bobby's bunch. I will be there and probably
just walk a couple of miles because I am still not 100%
better but you all are welcome to join us.
I will also be there Tuesday night for our run but
won't be able to make it this coming Thursday. They
are meeting at 4p.m. that night if anyone wants to go.
After our Saturday runs some of us always go to breakfast
to eat extra calories and refuel with good food.
WE ended up at Blue dome diner and it is very good
if any of you haven't tried there food.
Here is a pic of some of my friends who are also group
leaders that ate with us.
Jason who leads team "half squatch", Lisa & Ken
lead team "faster than Oprah".

Hope everyone has a safe and Merry Christmas
and I will see you out in the cold for another
great running adventure.